Wednesday, August 15, 2007

End of trip stats

Hours on engine: 400
Fuel: $745.75
Moorage: $660.00
Car rental: $214.08
Park fees: $237.70


Pat Shaughnessy said...

That was a very nice "Trip for Two for Three months"! And what experiences and stories you must have to tell!

Anonymous said...


I stumbled across your blog when searching for images of the Broughton Archipelago. GREAT work and absolutely fantastic photography! My wife and I are planning to hit the Broughtons this July and rather than a little cat, our extra crew will be our brand new baby. Should be interesting.....

I'm a fellow resident of Vancouver Island, with a modest Catalina 27 and will definately keep an eye out for Splendid Mane this summer in the Gulf Islands.

BTW, have you ever seen the Blog site "Sailblogs"? Lots of great cruising resources there.

Cheers, and keep up the great work! Long live the Colony of Vancouver Island!!
