June 14, 2007
Time: 0845 Hrs: 830
Humidity: 70% Temp 15 C Sunny day, no clouds
Lv: Brundige Inlet
Course: Chatham Sound > Revillagigedo Channel > Foggy Bay, Misty Fiords National Monument, mainland Alaska
We are heading towards the US/Canada border, it is only a few miles to the north. I have been straining my eyes trying to see a whale or two, no luck so far. But we keep hearing they are around, so sooner or later we will run into one, I hope!
Arv: Foggy Bay, Alaska
Lat: 54 56.90 N
Lon: 130 56.35 W
Time: 1340
Trip: 23.2nm Log: 3144.8 nm
We put the sails up for a short time until the wind died down. But the seas were very choppy and it made a very uncomfortable trip, especially for HRH Charles. He got seasick again, but he is so good, he barfs in his litter box!
We are the first to anchor here for the day, but later 4 other boats come. So far on this trip, we have only seen one other Canadian pleasure boat, and they were tied up at the dock in Port Hardy on Vancouver Island. Very strange.....
We have been enjoying the very large collection of DVD's we have on board that we borrowed from Tom and Phil. It has been fun, especially now that we have are making popcorn to go with them. Thank you Tom and Phil!
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