June 15, 2007
Time: 0600 Hrs: 833.2
Humidity 74% Temp: 11 C Clear skies, light wind
Lv: Foggy Bay
Course: Revillagigedo Channel > Tongass Narrows > Ketchikan
Another nice day, I don't know what everyone is talking about when they say it rains here all the time. We have had some really beautiful weather.
Arv: Customs office, Ketchikan
Time: 1200
Cleared customs, very nice people. The way in to the harbour, just a little north of town, was very windy, up to 20 knots. But at the customs dock, it is well protected by the cruise ships sitting at their dock.
Arv: Bar Harbour Marina, Ketchikan
Lat: 55 20.99 N
Lon: 130 40.91 W
Time: 1400
Trip: 34.0 nm Log: 3178.8 nm
We took a walk around town, ooggled at the cruise ships, and all the tourists. I guess we are tourists too! It was fun, but too much going on around here. We will leave early tomorrow and go where we can have some peace and quiet again.
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